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All posts tagged “editorial design”

Game, set, victory
Serve, attack, return – the Federer Festival in Halle is starting. A powerful visual language for strong players in a special edition for weekly Welt am Sonntag.

Europapark Rust
Enjoy Europe’s biggest leisure park: eat, drink, ride and have fun! An advertisement supplement for DIE WELT.

Back to basics
IF 18 | 19 reduces it to the max: just one color on grey cardboard – the latest annual report of innovative film austria is pure and concentrated, as is the content …

What remains
The Federal Association of German Foundations presents the highlights of its members’ activities in the field of “cultural heritage” – as a supplement to the daily DIE WELT and its own magazine. Creative direction, layout and production: Walter Lendl

Gründerszene – the growth ranking
“The digitization of the economy is making great strides. Many experts say that we are still in the early stages of a development that will change our lives dramatically. But the pole positions in the markets are now being filled. Gründerszene reports daily on booming […]

Special Supplements
For many years we have been designing newspaper supplements and advertorials for the daily newspaper DIE WELT and the weekly “Welt am Sonntag” of Axel Springer SE, formerly also for “Berliner Morgenpost”, which has since been sold to the Funke media group. The figures show […]

IF 17|18
Lights on for Austrian Independent Films again: the newest annual report of “innovative film austria” sees the light of day!

La cucina verde
Best Italian vegetable recipes by Carlo Bernasconi, illustrated by Larissa Bertonasco, design by Walter Lendl. 192 pages of the most likeable dishes of the Italian kitchen without meat, put together by the passionate cook and book-lover Carlo Bernasconi, who owns the restaurant „Cucina e Libri“ […]
Not only a website showing and commenting on the agenda of the European Union (and Great Britain), but also a printed weekly. Walter Lendl was in charge for art direction and production in the beginning of the project. The design of the first dozen of […]

It’s tea time …
… or do you prefer a glass of water? Infographics on two newspaper pages (centerfold) in the special supplements of the daily newspaper DIE WELT on the topics of “Tea” and “Mineral Water” (in two versions, the first one for the year 2015, the second […]

Pictures of a Fleeting World – Manfred Neuwirth
Ed. by Brigitte Mayr & Michael Omasta, Design by Walter Lendl A set of 4 x 24 images (Pictures of a Fleeting World, Lhasa Streetstyle, Filmstills, Lava & Water), essays by Stefan Grissemann, Nico de Klerk, Olaf Möller, Brigitte Mayr and Michael Omasta, Filmography & […]