Digitization makes agriculture more sustainable. Gut Arenshorst stands for the connection between nature and technology. The old manor from the 17th century is today a technical gem with a modern biogas and photovoltaic system. The challenge for the graphic design was to create a corporate […]
All posts tagged “magazine design”

Europapark Rust
Enjoy Europe’s biggest leisure park: eat, drink, ride and have fun! An advertisement supplement for DIE WELT.

What remains
The Federal Association of German Foundations presents the highlights of its members’ activities in the field of “cultural heritage” – as a supplement to the daily DIE WELT and its own magazine. Creative direction, layout and production: Walter Lendl

Gründerszene – the growth ranking
“The digitization of the economy is making great strides. Many experts say that we are still in the early stages of a development that will change our lives dramatically. But the pole positions in the markets are now being filled. Gründerszene reports daily on booming […]

Weekly magazine „Karriere-Welt“ was published as a section of daily Newspaper „Die Welt“, being part of the weekend edition, from 2008 until the end of 2012 – showing career opportunities and valuable articles for the highly skilled workers, like executive and department managers, professors or […]